Cuadernos para el refuerzo y la práctica de destrezas durante el verano. En la colección Español K-12 cada cuaderno se divide en capítulos, en los que se trabajan múltiples destrezas de Fonética, Escritura, Semántica, Gramática, Ortografía, Lectura y Comprensión Lectora. Cuentan con una sección especial de Taller de Lectura a partir de primer grado. Hacen alusión a Puerto Rico, su geografía y sus costumbres, y a otros países.
Workbooks for reinforcement and practice of skills during the summer. English K-9 is divided into units of various types of reading, followed by activities appropriate to each level, in which multiple skills are worked: Reading, Writing, Language, Phonemic Awareness, Speaking and Listening.
Workbooks for reinforcement and practice of skills during the summer. English K-9 is divided into units of various types of reading, followed by activities appropriate to each level, in which multiple skills are worked: Reading, Writing, Language, Phonemic Awareness, Speaking and Listening.
Workbooks for reinforcement and practice of skills during the summer. English K-9 is divided into units of various types of reading, followed by activities appropriate to each level, in which multiple skills are worked: Reading, Writing, Language, Phonemic Awareness, Speaking and Listening.
Workbooks for reinforcement and practice of skills during the summer. English K-9 is divided into units of various types of reading, followed by activities appropriate to each level, in which multiple skills are worked: Reading, Writing, Language, Phonemic Awareness, Speaking and Listening.
Workbooks for reinforcement and practice of skills during the summer. English K-9 is divided into units of various types of reading, followed by activities appropriate to each level, in which multiple skills are worked: Reading, Writing, Language, Phonemic Awareness, Speaking and Listening.